Breaking News 7
Did Obama have a Nose Job to Hide Davis Resemblance ?
Was Obama’s “nose job” part of a pattern of deception to hide his connection to his real biological and ideological father, Communist Party USA propagandist Frank Marshall Davis?

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“It appears Obama had some aesthetic refinement. The upper and middle nasal vault are both narrowed. The tip and infra-tip are softer and the tip has been rotated up. Alar height appears to have been reduced so the lower part of the nose that makes up the nostrils appears softer. These changes are not characteristic of the natural aging process, where the tip tends to settle and rotate downward causing the appearance of a longer nose and where the tip also often widens noticeably.”
J David Holcomb, MD
Holcomb Facial Plastic Surgery, PLLC
Sarasota FL
“In the 3 younger photographs, Obama appears to have a bulbous nasal tip with wide alar bases, not uncommon with males and with skin of color. The more current photos show a thinner nasal tip which suggests some finessing of his nose over the years, but it is a very natural-looking effect.”
Wendy Lewis, The Knife Coach
Wendy Lewis is a cosmetic surgery consultant and author of 11 consumer health and beauty books, including America’s Cosmetic Doctors & Dentists and Plastic Makes Perfect. Wendy has appeared on CNN, Good Morning America, and MSNBC.
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