Breaking News 5
Davis Home Vice Raid
and 'Sex Rebel' Letters
New information continues to come to light regarding Frank Marshall Davis’ activities and lifestyle in Honolulu.
Left: This exclusive photo from Honolulu Police Department archives depicts a Vice Squad Raid at Davis' residence on December 20, 1952. The photo shows black servicemen being led out of Davis'house with the handwritten caption "arrested persons marching out of the Negro Elks Clubhouse at 2994 Kalihi Street during a sweeping cleanup of vice activities held there." A uniformed MP can be seen with camera and flashlight in the joint raid of HPD and Military Police, who operated together according to HPD sources.
Below: New hand-written letters from Frank Marshall Davis to Chicago Communist Margaret Borroughs have surfaced. In a 1968 letter, Davis confirms he is that author of Sex Rebel: Black, which Davis describes as "my thoroughly erotic autobiography" and that the events are all "non-fiction." In the 1982 letter, a seventy-six year old Davis describes an affair with a 16 year old girl, and "I have had my eye on her since I first saw her –at 13."
Sex Rebel Letters